Cauliflower coral with a few patches of yellow lobe coral. These multicolored colonies show a big range in color, stressing from heat. Of these colonies only the larger cauliflower colony on the left was able to survive to grow to size.
Antler coral. These living fish castles are amazing; always full of guard crabs, velvet fish and damselfish.
Here I am collecting coral gametes to be raised in a lab and set back to the reef.
Lace coral. Lace coral looks a lot like cauliflower coral but is usually more delicate looking and found in tidepools more often than the reef.
Yellow lobe coral mound.
False brain coral. Very common on the reef.
Dense leather coral. This coral is usually in the extreme wave zone.
Orange cup coral with polys extended. One of Hawaii's soft coral species. This species is able to survive with minimal lighting allowing it to survive in caves and under ledges.
Blue octocoral. In some areas this coral is grey, blue or even pink.
Razor or mushroom coral.
Invasive snowflake coral. Often found under ledges and in caves this invasive is transported around the world in ships bilges.
Lab grown cauliflower coral heads here in Kona.
Cauliflower coral. This colony is a "supercoral" able to survive in a hot environment. I have seen this get into the 90's in summer and still looks great today!!!
Speckled scorpionfish enjoying the protection of the antler coral's branches.
Reticulated butterflyfish snacking away on cauliflower coral polyps.
Pitted rice coral. This colony is a cauliflower look a like.
Evermanni lobe coral (purple) and yellow lobe coral. Evermanii often has it's polyps extended further out than the yellow lobe coral.
Evermanii lobe coral close up of extended polyps.
Finger coral. This reef is always teeming with small fish using the finger coral for protection.
Yellow tangs glide over an Evermanni coral mound.
Blue octocoral close up of polyps.
Rice coral.
Rice coral.
Whip coral.
Tropical paradise. A healthy cauliflower coral garden.