Honu world 

Hawaii is one of the best places to observe sea turtles in their natural habitat. Hawaiian green sea turtles have come a long way from a past when they were taken in large numbers for food. Now all sea turtles are protected by law and their numbers have rebounded. Hawaii is unique in that our Hawaiian green sea turtles  bask on our beaches, both male and female honu enjoy sharing our love for sunbathing. This is only possible because strict regulations give them plenty of space with a hands-off policy.  Hawaii Island is also home to a large nesting population of hawksbill turtles. I enjoy every chance I can get to get to be in the water with these amazing beautiful animals. 

Hawaiian green sea turtle. Kona, Hawaii

Hawaiian green sea turtle surfing the waves. Kona, Hawaii

Popular basking spot on the Kohala Coast.

Turtle cleaning station. Kohala, Hawaii

Hawaiian green sea turtle in perfect light. Kona Hawaii

Hawaiian green sea turtle gliding over the sand. Kona Hawaii

Hawaiian green sea turtle with metallic water surface. Kona, Hawaii

Bright Hawaiian green sea turtle on the reef. Kona, Hawaii

Kahalu'u Beach honu, Kona, Hawaii

Hawaiian green sea turtle feeding. Kona, Hawaii

Honu world. Kohala, Hawaii

Hawaiian green sea turtle. Kona, Hawaii

Hawaiian green sea turtle. Kona, Hawaii

Hawaiian green sea turtle resting in the coral. Kona, Hawaii

Hawksbill turtle. Kona, Hawaii

Turtle cleaning station. Kohala, Hawaii

Hawaiian green sea turtle at cleaning station. Kona, Hawaii

Hawksbill turtle blowing a bubble. Kona Hawaii

Hawaiian green sea turtle juvenile with beautiful red shell.  Kona Hawaii

Hawaiian green sea turtle gliding over the reef. Kona Hawaii

"Hawkeye" hawksbill turtle. Kona, Hawaii

Hawaiian green sea turtle gliding over the sand. South Kona, Hawaii

Hawaiian green sea turtle in a crystal clear lagoon. South Kona, Hawaii

Sunset honu.  Kona, Hawaii

Hawaiian green sea turtle. Kona, Hawaii

Hawaiian green sea turtle. Kona, Hawaii